วันจันทร์ที่ 20 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Editing and Retouching

iron man laser blast done in after effects using mask tool and shine effect

stretch the mask

add the effect

change the color

hitting the bogie

flashing orange filter

there were many little defects or faults that i missed when i was animating. so after rendering to save time re-rendering i experimented with retouching some of the frames in photoshop. there are some that were too difficult or time consuming to fix though.

the main problems were around the mouth, the gums popping out, objects that werent supposed to be seen, skin coming through gloves and clothing, clothes and accessories overlapping one another etc...

some other issues i had with the animating were once i had rendered in full quality many details were not in time, such as the mouth and the turn of the head and the feet too high off the ground etc...

iron man shooting

combining shots before adjusting timing and further cutting and editing

after timing adjusted. shots touched up and effects put in...next...sound

วันศุกร์ที่ 17 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Video references

Sound references

Despicable me

possibilities for michael jackson
using in the moonwalk scene

can you feel it
billie jean
wanna be startin' somethin'
don't stop 'til you get enough
the way you make me feel
man in the mirror
smooth criminal
another part of me
black or white
leave me alone
beat it
depending on the final animation i will have to see as to which song fits best to the timing and movement of that shot

the good the bad and the ugly
using in the cowboy scene

iron man
using in the iron man shot
maybe just some electric guitar and beats or something

darth vader
the imperial march for when the mask of vader comes down and also when the bogies start floating.

to use in the shot when vitaman is victorious and flies out of the face.


render planning sheet
almost done with the rendering now
for the original rendering i forgot to put into consideration the timing when adding motion blur. so when i did some shots with motion blur it slowed down my plan considerably. it quadrupled the render time. so from this i decided to render all the shots with no motion blur just incase i dont have time to do motion blur in all scenes and then select the specific shots and motions that would look better with motion blur and render them again. the fast movements look better with motion blur but the slower movements arent so bad. with the rendering of motion blur it makes the whole shot that i am rendering slow, even the shots with little or no blur, so i thought this was the best plan of action.

also if i was to have time, which is not going to happen now, another render of occlusion pass render would be nice, it would make the characters and their shadows more clear and the parts like inside the characters mouths dark etc... this would make the animation look much nicer but again...it is as time consuming to render this way as it is to do motion blur. normal render time for each frame with no blur is around 1 and a half minutes, with motion blur it goes to 4 or 5 mins, occlusion pass is the same. then after rendering that. i have learned for next time that the rendering time should have been longer than i anticipated for this project. though it is ok, the animation is attractive and fun but there are many things i would change if i was to do it again.

Rendering and animating developments and planning

planning to finish rendering within the next 3 days.
If it becomes behind schedule i will go to uni and use some more computers, but from the schedule it will be fine... unless there's some power cut or something :p

Rendering with motion blur increases render time over double time.
select shots which will be more attractive with motion blur, other shots no need.

no motion blur needed but timing issues of how fast the zombie walk will be and how long before cutting to the next shot.

some parts of this will be sped up and some kept this speed. the beginning is too slow but the middle and ending are ok.

this shot will be helped to understand with sound effects. a gooey/springy like sound.

the jumping scene will have some timing changes, some are too fast, though the landing should be fast some of the take offs are too. i need to look at this and arrange them so it looks more realistic.

the angry face, this shot will be helped to understand the mood better with sound. the face of the character is fixes as a smile so when doing these emotion shots or fighting shots i have to use sound to help. i know this time that rigging is a lot more difficult that i expected and this was a good as i could do for this time. next time i need to put aside more time for painting the weight and rigging the character so it can do everything i need it to.

this shot will be around this speed, maybe slowed down slightly and cut shorter. just to show them facing each other. i dont want any large movement in this shot.

POV shot of the finger going towards the bogie. i will experiment with camera jolts and masking the goggles to make it more clear that this is a POV shot. also hav it slowed down so as you can tell whats going on as it is very fast.

this shot will also be slowed down slightly so that the viewer can see whats going on and how the characters are attacking each other.

this shot will have a background put behind it and the speed of 25fps seems alright for me. the transition before this shot will maybe be a dip to white as it is the last attack of the bogie and the vitamin grenade has been brought out and as the grenade is shoved into the mouth of the bogie sound and maybe a dip to orange will be used. i will experiment of what looks and fits best after rendering the full sequence.

compiled clips that have finished rendering, have some minor details i need to touch up in photoshop for some frames, the background that i will put in after effects and timing issues that i will fix when all clips are finished rendering.

timing and transitions will be looked at again as to how the shots will change/fade from scene to scene. most likely to be dip to black or white. during these transitions the soundtrack will be a tool in keeping the story flowing, the next scene may have the sound come before the picture comes or something like this.

วันพุธที่ 15 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553


lighting problems, facial color change when rendered so adjusting lights were needed.
i wanted to keep the face dark and the shadows on the face strong but make Vitaman have light on him.

glowing mouth and gray skin. before re-doing the lighting

adding in darth vader mask to fight with iron man.
famous villain and the animation actions were from this character.
making the story even more clear as to who is the goodie and baddie

iron man test render

floating bogies
experimenting with adding 2d frame by frame animation
the bogies drawn in, this would be difficult as have to do tracking and as the camera is not still the bogies would move every shot. i decided against this so experimented with 3d instead.
adding shadows and contrast
original darkened

lighting and background experiments

gray face again. re-do lighting

extreme close ups

mask texture, highlights and shadows

adding darth vader mask to the zombie
iron man render test

experimenting with shadows and lighting

with and without motion blur

kicking bogie

creating more shadows
occlusion pass rendering
I doubt I will have time to do this rendering though it would make the sequence look much better. the render time is longer that the time left I planned out.
playing with contrast and color. I think i will play around with some effects in after effects after the sequence is finished to give it a more finished and attractive look and more defined shadows.
experimenting with different light and background
will put a background in after effects after rendering in maya
this is used in just 1 shot where the lighting has to come from all sides as the camera does a 360 sweep around the characters.

animation of characters

test render, mouth badly animated, redo the movement so it moves with the face. color and lighting problems too.